How to watch?

When you register for the film, you should receive a confirmation email detailing where the film is being shown. Please follow the instructions found in that email to find the screening of the film.

Why does the Ballard Center host the Peery Film Series?

The BYU Ballard Center for Social Impact exists to help students understand how to solve social problems. A key part of solving any social problem is deeply understanding the underlying contributing factors and consequences. We provide our Peery Film Series as one tool to educate, inform, and introduce viewers to current societal problems.

Is this only for BYU students?

Yes. Please be aware that there are only a limited number of seats for each screening, so make sure to register well in advance!

Can I RSVP for more than one person?

Yes, however, we encourage each person watching the film to RSVP with their personal email address and BYU NetID.

General Trigger Warning

We recognize that some may find these films distressing, uncomfortable, or triggering because they focus on complicated and troublesome topics. If applicable, it is standard for the Peery Series to annotate nudity and some language; however, even with the annotations, the films may contain heavy content and mature topics.

The Peery Series committee will do its best to provide viewers with information regarding potentially triggering content so they can watch at their own discretion. If more information is needed, we invite attendees to seek out resources such as parental guides, or trigger warning websites such as Does the Dog Die.

We appreciate everyone who joins us in watching Peery Series Films--we hope it increases empathy, heightens understanding, and assists individuals in their journey to solve the world’s most dire social problems. After watching the film, come connect with the Ballard Center through an advisement session. We provide resources and tools that will enhance one’s effectiveness in positively impacting the world.

Have additional questions?

We're happy to help. Please contact us at ballardevents@byu.edu or call 801-422-8654 with any unanswered questions about the film series. We look forward to talking with you!